Wednesday, June 16, 2010

How Chiropractic Adjustment Helps Back Pain

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Provo / Orem Chiropractor Discusses How Chiropractic Adjustments Help Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common medical complaints in the American healthcare system. Common causes are sprains and strains due to improper mechanics during physical activities, poor diet and stress.

Some people will have a short episode lasting from a day or two to a week or two.

Unfortunately, for others the pain doesn’t go away and begins to affect their lifestyle. Low back pain is one of the most prevalent and costly problems in the US healthcare system. Approximately 80% of adults will experience low back pain in their lifetime and 75% of those will experience problems lasting more than a year.

Chiropractic care is based on some simple facts:

1. Your brain and nerves control everything that happens in your body.
2. Your body has a natural and powerful ability to heal itself.
3. Injury, sickness and disease are the result of the body’ not meeting the demands placed on it. Think of it this way. At work someone has a cold. Everyone in the office is exposed to it. Some get sick others don’t. Why? Those whose body is unable to defend against it (for whatever reason) “catch” the cold.
4. The chiropractic adjustment stimulates the brain and nerves and other bodily functions.
5. This improves your body’s ability to heal and self regulate.

The chiropractic adjustment or spinal manipulation is the application of a controlled force to a joint, moving it through its full range of motion. This does several things, first it stimulates nerve endings in joints and muscles that block pain, relax tight muscles and improve blood flow. With relaxed muscles comes increased mobility and flexibility. Those same nerve endings travel to the brain increasing brain activity and function resulting in improved body functions.

The frequency and duration of your chiropractic visits is dependent upon your condition, lifestyle, and goals.

In clinical outcomes, patients with low back pain got better results with chiropractic care than those who were medically treated.

According to a survey, chiropractic treatment received the highest percentage of patients having 59% who were highly satisfied compared to any other treatments, including physical therapy (55%), acupuncture (53%), massage (48%) and treatments from specialists (44%) and primary-care doctors (34%). It was found that hands-on treatments are very helpful with the patients suffering from low back pain.

Low back pain is common, but each of us experiences pain uniquely. Therefore Dr McArthur does NOT use a “one size fits all" approach.

In most cases, Dr McArthur performs spinal adjustments manually, using his hands to move bones through their full range of motion. In other cases the adjustment may be done with an instrument. How the adjustment is done is determined by the needs and condition of the patient.

Dr McArthur also use a variety of rehabilitative and physio therapies including, electrical muscle stimulation, heat, traction, oxygen therapy, percussion, stretching, strengthening exercises, diet and lifestyle counseling, and a variety of brain exercises to help you reach your health goals.

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Delivering Happiness

About six weeks ago I received an email from my brother in law
suggesting I apply for an pre release version of the new Tony
Hsieh book "Delivering Happiness."

I read/listen to many business books a year, so I applied and
the Delivering Happiness team sent me a free, pre release
version of the book to read and then give an honest opinion on.

In full disclosure I have NOT completed the book yet, I've got another
seventy five pages or so to go.

With that being said, I've really enjoyed the book. Tony has a
way of engaging the reader that made me feel as though he were
sitting next to me telling this story. That's what Delivering
Happiness is - a story of how business and life intertwine in
the entrepreneur. To me that was a big epiphany. I've always
thought it best to keep "life" separate from "business."
Tony convinces me otherwise by showing that success in business
comes from being yourself in business.

The book starts with a very entertaining telling of Tony's youth
as an entrepreneur.

Next, he gets into adulthood with his "grown-up" businesses.
At this point I was thinking part of his success was being in
the right industry at the right time. He fully capitalized on
the early internet bubble. Also, I typically prefer bullet
point, what to do and how to do it kind of business books - this
one isn't one of those. The combination of those factors resulted
in me struggling through the middle part of the book, asking myself
this is good, but "what's the application?"

Finally, as Zappos becomes stable as a business and he tells about
the culture of Zappos and how it was built I finally "get it."
There are several guest writers in this book, employees, friends
and partners. It was one of these guest write ins, an employee
named Martha I believe, tells about her experience with random acts
of WOWness that finally broke through to me. Martha tells how she
did something to WOW a stranger in a Wal Greens and how that lead
to her receiving random acts of WOWness. This tell me I should do
things in business not because it helps make a sell, or increases
profits in the short run, but because it's who I am and as I give the
best of myself to others, success follows.

I was also given a second free pre release version of the book.
This copy I would like to give away. I will send this
book to any where in the world, at my expense, to the person who
can give me the best/most ideas for a chiropractor (that's me)
to perform random acts of WOWness.

Submit them here as a comment, email them to me at,
call me at 801-225-1311, fax them to 801-802-3255 or drop them
off or mail them to 560 S. State #C2 Orem, UT 84058, send me a
message through facebook my personal profile is Ned McArthur or
via direct message on twitter at

I'll pick a winner June 23.


P.S. If you would like to buy the book yourself go to


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