Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Orem Chiropractor - Medication Risks & Chiropractic

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Orem Chiropractor - R. Ned McArthur, D.C. | 801-225-1311| Chiropractic Care & Medication Dangers

Orem Chiropractor - R. Ned McArthhur, D.C. | 801-225-1311 | | Orem chiropractor - R. Ned McArthur, D.C. specializes in restoring your quality of health, increasing your well-being, and getting you pain free again.

Today I read an article entitled: Long-term Use of Anti-inflammatory Drugs and Risk of Atrial Fibrillation that was published in 2010 in the journal, Archives of Internal Medicine.

The purpose of their study was to see if there was a relationship between NSAID’s (non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and atrial fibrillation. NSAID’s include Acetaminophen (Tylenol) & Ibuprofen (Advil). Atrial fibrillation is a problem in the top chambers of the heart where they fall out of the normal heart rhythm. This is a serious situation because atrial fibrillation can result in a stroke.

Previous studies have described an association between atrial fibrillation and the use of corticosteroid medications or SAID’s (steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Popular SAID’s include Hydrocortisone & Prednisone.

The results of the study showed that there is an increased risk of atrial fibrillation and the use of NSAID’s and that risk went up with treatment duration longer than 1 year.

The question you should be asking is, “is there an alternative to Tylenol & Advil?” The answer to that question is a resounding “Yes!” If you want to naturally reduce your pain & inflammation Orem Chiropractor – R. Ned McArthur, D.C. provides gentle chiropractic and effective nutritional solutions.

I came to Dr McArthur’s office a wreck. I had severe headaches, nausea, dizziness, stiffness in the neck and my shoulders were as hard as rocks. Dr McArthur was concerned about me and made sure I understood the process I needed to go through to get better. I have made drastic improvements on my overall health since then. I almost never get a headache. My nausea and dizziness are gone. My energy is back. My neck and shoulders feel like they should. My body is more capable of moving how I need it to. Thanks so much for helping me feel like a normal person. Something I haven’t felt very often in my life

Grace W., American Fork

Top 10 Reasons Why Choosing Orem Chiropractor - R. Ned McArthur, D.C. Is A Good Idea.

1. I have been practicing for 13+ years. I’m here to stay.

2. I have spent those 13 years in postgraduate studying and learning. I have an arsenal of diagnostic & treatment procedures to address your specific problem. I know how to get you better as quickly as possible and I also know when to refer you to someone else who can better handle your problem.

3. “If it ain’t broke, I won’t fix it.” I won’t try and convince you there is a problem when there really isn’t. I won’t try and treat you beyond what you need or want.

4. I save you money. In fact, experience has shown that those who include my services in their healthy lifestyle save from 12-41% in healthcare costs.

5. Free Introductory Visits. My specialized care isn’t for everyone. That’s why I allow you to “test drive” my services for free. You can find out for yourself if what I do is a good match for you. (Not applicable to those on government funded health plans)

6. You can reach me when you need me. If you have a question, concern, comment, problem, whatever . . . If you call the office and I’m not in, there will be a number on the voice message where I can be reached. You can submit questions or concerns via email as well. (

7. I provide a variety of products & services. Massages with my massage therapist; pillows, supports and braces; x-rays; diet and exercise counseling. With my array of products and services there I have the tools to help you.

8. I get results. The results are what matters. At the end of care 93% of our patients report that our care has met or exceeded the results they desired. If you want results, relax and have peace of mind – you’re in the right place.

9. Lasting results. Not only do I get results, according to office surveys “lasting results” is one of the top things people value most about my care. When you use my services, it’s not a temporary patch job . . . you get results that last.

10. The treatments I provide are safe. As a neurologically trained chiropractor I provide unique diagnostic & treatment procedures that have been proven to be safe and effective.

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Friday, September 17, 2010

Orem Chiropractor & Power of Adjustment

Just a normal day in the office . . .

Want this to be you? Then visit the Orem Chiropractor - R. Ned McArthur, D.C.

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Orem Chiropractor & Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Listen to audio version of Orem Chiropractor & Benefits of Chiropractic Care
Ask Dr Ned Radio Show

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Orem Chiropractor & Benefits of Chiropractic Care

If you are looking for a chiropractor in Orem, Utah, then you should check out the Google directory under Orem chiropractors, which gives a list of some of the most popular chiropractors in Orem, their education, their techniques, their therapies and their specializations.

I read a study today where the nervous system influences the immune system in the blood. The researchers looked at what happens when you get an adjustment to your middle back. It turns out, when you get an adjustment to your mid back your immune cells make more antibodies in the blood.

The researchers first took blood from everyone in the study. Next, they divided the people up into three groups. The first group got nothing done to them – they were the control group. The second group got their backs pushed in a funny way, but nothing was really done to them. The third group received real adjustments to their mid back where there was a popping sound. Then, they measured the blood again 1/2 hour later, and again 2 hours later. The adjustment group won.
Researchers said,

“…results of the present pilot study provide the first experimental evidence that systemic sequelae of spinal manipulative therapy include functional changes in the ability of peripheral blood lymphocytes to respond to immunoregulatory mediators and the clinical relevance of such alterations should be further explored.”

English please?

Those who get adjusted have more efficient cells in their immune system.


The researchers found that those who received the real adjustments didn’t make new immune cells, but their immune cells were more efficient at fighting infection. When researchers injected inflammatory chemicals, those who got adjusted made more antibodies (proteins that fight bacterial and viral infections) compared to those who didn’t get adjusted.


This study shows that because the nervous system is so closely involved spine and the immune system, that chiropractic adjustments when needed in the area, can boost the immune response to infection. Of course more work is needed to find out exactly what’s going on, but this is an example of a controlled scientific study that shows just one of the many benefits of chiropractic care.

I came to Dr McArthur’s office a wreck. I had severe headaches, nausea, dizziness, stiffness in the neck and my shoulders were as hard as rocks. Dr McArthur was concerned about me and made sure I understood the process I needed to go through to get better. I have made drastic improvements on my overall health since then. I almost never get a headache. My nausea and dizziness are gone. My energy is back. My neck and shoulders feel like they should. My body is more capable of moving how I need it to. Thanks so much for helping me feel like a normal person. Something I haven’t felt very often in my life

Grace W., American Fork

Orem chiropractor specializes in restoring your quality of health, increasing your well-being, and getting you pain free again.

Selecting an Orem chiropractor should be done on the basis of the services provided. One of the leading providers of chiropractic care in Orem, is Orem chiropractor - R. Ned McArthur, D.C. providing affordable and gentle chiropractic care.

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Orem Chiropractor Car Accident Injuries Whiplash Neck & Back Pain

Orem Chiropractor, R. Ned McArthur, D.C. discusses injuries after car accidents.

Selecting an Orem chiropractor should be done on the basis of the services provided. One of the leading providers of chiropractic care in Orem, is Orem chiropractor - R. Ned McArthur, D.C. providing affordable and gentle chiropractic care.

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Orem Chiropractor Car Accident Injury Whiplash Neck & Back Pain

A recent report states that car accidents cost over 99 billion annually and that about 50% of low impact accidents go unreported. Needless to say there is a lot at stake.

The question is can injury severity be associated with amount of car damage following a car accident? Meaning that if you are involved in a “minor” fender bender are your injuries going to be less than someone who has been involved a “major” accident.

To answer this question let’s review a study titled Risk factors for long term treatment of whiplash injury in Japan: Analysis of 400 cases by Hijioka, et al. (1) This is an important study because it answers to very important questions:

1. Does crash severity correlate with the risk for injury?
2. Does crash severity correlate with the severity of injury?

Researchers classified car damage on the basis of six grades:

Degree of Property Damage

Grade 0 No damage
Grade 1 Slight damage
Grade 2 Damage to bumper
Grade 3 1/3 of car damage
Grade 4 ½ of car damaged
Grade 5 Total destruction of car

Although this grading scheme is not described in detail, the type of damage described by Grade 1 most likely represents cosmetic damage, such as scuff marks, paint transfers, scratched paint, broken trim pieces or taillight lenses, etc. These types of crashes are often characterized as no damage accidents in the U.S. Thus, the first two grades (Grade 0 & Grade I) are the same as “no damage” crashes.

When the authors break down the 400 cases on the basis of damage alone, it turns out that a large number of the people (over 25%) were injured in the Grade 0 & Grade 1 categories, which is an interesting fact in light of the false idea that injuries are unlikely when there is no car damage.

In fact, if this were true we would expect few injuries in the first two categories and a increasing number of injuries as accidents severity increases. Instead, we see just the opposite. As damage increases, there are fewer people injured. The researchers also showed quite clearly that treatment duration – which is used to measure injury severity – also fails to follow a linear pattern. Meaning that as accident severity increases, we should see an increase in the amount of treatment. The researchers did not find this relationship. Thus, this study offers very compelling evidence that the “no damage – no injury” notion cannot be supported.

Orem chiropractor R. Ned McArthur, D.C. specializes in restoring your quality of health, increasing your well-being, and getting you pain free again.

Selecting an Orem chiropractor should be done on the basis of the services provided. One of the leading providers of chiropractic care in Orem, is Orem chiropractor - R. Ned McArthur, D.C. providing affordable and gentle chiropractic care.

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Friday, September 3, 2010

Orem Chiropractor, Weight Gain & Diet Soda

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Get Treatment Quick After Car Accident

Involved in an auto accident? Then you need to get chiropractic treatment quickly. The sooner you are assessed and treated, the more likely you are to avoid long-term injuries. Orem Chiropractor, R. Ned McArthur, D.C. can help relieve your pain fast.

Often people make the mistake of not seeking out treatment immediately following an auto accident. The problem is, pain from injuries does not always show up right away. Waiting to seek treatment can leave you with injuries that take longer to heal. It can also result in you not seeking compensation if you were the victim.

Seeing a chiropractic doctor right away is one of the best ways to determine what type of injuries, if any, you have sustained. Chiropractors are experts in all the various body parts that can be affects such as bones and joints as well as soft tissue and nerves. Your chiropractor can do a thorough exam to determine what, if any, trauma has occurred.

Along with physical tests, diagnostic tests such as MRIs or x-rays may also be done. After the evaluation is completed, a plan for treatment can be decided upon and started. There are several different therapies that can be used for the resolution of your injuries.

Any auto accident is a traumatic experience. There are usually a lot of things you need to deal with concerning your automobile and insurance claims. Do not let your health be of lesser concern. Not addressing your health can result in long term pain and injuries that are harder to resolve in the future.

By seeing Orem chiropractor, R. Ned McArthur, D.C. in south Orem as soon as possible following a car accident you will assure a better result. Put primary importance on your own well being. It is a smart way to ensure that your body continues being pain free and in the best of health.

Orem chiropractor R. Ned McArthur, D.C. can help relieve your neck, shoulder and back pain naturally and safely. Call now at 801-225-1311 or visit

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