Monday, January 24, 2011

Orem Chiropractor Treats Car Accident Injuries

If you or somebody you know has been in an auto accident I have some important information for you.

First watch this video to get an insiders perspective on the practices of insurance companies in regards to those who have been in an accident.

Auto injuries can create chronic, disabling problems which can affect your work, your hobbies, and even your relationships. 

Even injuries that seem minor can lead to suffering and an increased risk of re-injury.  

Here’s what they do.  Insurance company giants use a highly sophisticated computer program that considers several factors from your accident to determine what your claim is worth. Sounds fair right?  These problem is, these programs serve one purpose:  save auto insurance companies big dollars.

If you’ve been in an accident choosing the right doctor is critical.

Of course, doctors are here to help you, but going to the wrong doctor can mess up your chances of a fair settlement. Why? Because doctors have learned how to help people, but many are not trained in the rules & requirements of insurance software guidelines. 

These guidelines are a set of very specific questions, medical report formatting procedures, and even seemingly minor forms, that influences your claim. 

As your Orem Chiropractor that treats car accident injuries.  If you’ve been in an accident you have to play by their rules.  I’m here to objectively, and correctly document your injuries so you can make a fair claim and receive a fair settlement. 

There are plenty of Orem Chiropractors that can help you, but you need an Orem car accident chiropractor that knows how to get you better quick and knows how to play by the insurance company rules.  Don’t be a victim twice.  Call for a consultation, we can help you. 801-225-1311

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Orem Chiropractor Adds Years To Your Life By Subtracting Your Sitting Time

As your Orem Chiropractor I want to give health information you may not get any where else.

Before you read this article you may want to sit down for a minute - but quite frankly that's the opposite of what you should do!

A study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology suggests that people who sit for more than six hours a day have an increased risk of early death.

Now maybe your thinking this applies to only the couch potato who watches TV all the time and never exercises.  If you are, then I've got bad news.  Researchers found that even if you exercise for three hours a day and sit for nine hours a day, you're more likely to die than someone who doesn't exercise at all but spends only a few hours a day sitting.
I'm not trying to discount all the benefits of exercise and an active life, but simply to point out that there are very real risks associated with prolonged sitting.  Not to mention the headaches and back pain that can result from sitting too long.
When you sit for prolonged periods of time circulation, metabolism, resting blood pressure and cholesterol can all be affected.  

Another thing, when you spend more time sitting, especially in front of the TV or computer leads to excessive snacking, which can lead to many other problems.

To combat this phenomenon a treadmill desk has been invented.  Check this out.

This isn't the answer for everybody.  Being on your feet excessively puts extra stress on your joints and muscles, especially of the hip.  

Just remember to Sit Less & Move More - you just may add a few years to your life.

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Monday, January 10, 2011

Orem Chiropractor Discusses Top 10 Foods For Good Health

Do you have neck pain, back pain, or headaches ?  Are you looking for an Orem Chiropractor?
Do you want to live a more healthy lifestyle?  If so I've got the article for you:

Top 10 Whole Foods For Health

Nutritionally, there is no perfect food, although a few come pretty close. And even if there were, who’d
want to eat the same thing every meal, every day? Fortunately, variety and healthy eating can go hand in
hand, particularly if you know where to look. Here’s a Top 10 list of foods that pack a nutritional punch and
can be incorporated into a wide variety of meal plans.

1. Anything Fresh
With the fast pace of life today, it’s hard to make time for fresh food. Why should
you? Because food that’s fresh, especially if it’s locally grown, is often the healthiest diet choice out there.
Fresh food contains a complete array of nutrients, which is just not available in many processed foods. Even
in winter we can find root vegetables, apples and pumpkins.

2. Beets
Here’s an interesting fact: Beets were one of the most successful crops in the
Biosphere project. Don’t remember the Biosphere project? Basically, it simulated living on the moon. And
if you had to pick one vegetable to take with you to the moon, you’d do well to pick beets. The roots and
leaves are packed with antioxidant phytochemicals, provide much-needed minerals and vitamins, and are a
good source of fiber.

3. Rye
Obesity statistics suggest a good portion of us could use some help battling the scale, and rye is on your
side. Rye has an excellent reputation for helping us feel full, produces a low insulin response, and is
typically a good source of fiber. It is a rich source of minerals, too. But watch out! "Rye" breads can be a
mix of different flour sources, so make sure whatever brand you get consists of whole grains in general, and
rye in particular. And don’t forget - there are other ways to enjoy rye, like as a hot cereal (or porridge). One
small study found that people who ate rye porridge for breakfast ate 16 percent less at lunch than those who
ate white bread toast.

4. Organic Berries
This isn’t a hard sell, right? Juicy, bright, and tasty, berries add fiber,
vitamins and antioxidants to your diet. These little gems appear to support healthy arteries, cognition,
inflammation and eyesight. Many studies have found a benefit in drinking cranberry or blueberry juice for
prevention of urinary tract infections. But watch out for juice - sugary drinks aren’t on anyone’s top 10 lists!
Eat the berries alone, in your cereal, or in a smoothie for the most benefit. And get organic berries when you
can; when you can’t, rinse your berries well. Even frozen, they can retain pesticide residue, and that’s not
good for anyone.

5. Fermented foods
Face it Mr. Clean, the human body needs bacteria, and fermented foods provide
"good" bacteria (probiotics) to give our native colonies a helping hand. Fermentation means that probiotics
(like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium) are added to foods (including miso, yogurt and sauerkraut), and the
food is changed as the bacteria process it. Clinical trials continue to examine the benefits of probiotics on
gastrointestinal complaints like diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome, as well as for conditions such as
colic and eczema in infants.

6. Legumes
Don’t fear the beans! Yes, some legumes have "explosive" potential, but adding beans, lentils, or peas to our
diet may be one way to keep us merrily dancing along. This low-fat, no-cholesterol source of protein, fiber,
vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals is among the best foods we can eat. As a substitute for meat-based
protein, beans can help support our drive for heart health. And the fiber and protein in legumes are excellent
tools in our weight-management toolbox.

7. Cruciferous vegetables
Broccoli, radishes, the dreaded Brussels sprouts and cabbage are all members of
this illustrious family of veggies. Associations between low incidence of some cancers and high intake of
cruciferous veggies have led to more in-depth research on how these unassuming vegetables contribute to a
healthy diet. Crucifers are especially rich in phytochemicals (including isothiocyanates such as
sulforaphane), both of which are responsible for these vegetables’ pungent or spicy flavor and appear to help
the body’s detoxification processes. The phytonutrients in these vegetables also seem to affect the body’s
ability to respond to free radicals. Steamed or raw, they retain the majority of their nutrients.

8. Organic Figs
Fresh or dried, these teardrops of deliciousness are a wonderful addition to any
diet. High in fiber, potassium and manganese, figs can support heart health and weight management as part
of a healthy diet and exercise program. They’re great on their own as dessert or a snack, and they make a
wonderful addition to salad, too. Choose the organic ones, though, especially if you are sensitive to sulfites.

9. Fatty Fish
In this case, fat is good. Cold-water fish (like salmon and sardines) contain a high
concentration of omega-3 fatty acids (specifically EPA and DHA) that appear to have a host of health
benefits. Large, rigorous trials from around the globe have found evidence that diets with the highest levels
of omega-3 fatty acids are also the most heart healthy. The American Heart Association recommends that
healthy adults should eat two, 3-ounce servings a week, which is in line with the American Diabetes
Association and the World Health Organization.

10. Whatever You Don’t Eat Now
Variety is important. It’s so easy to get stuck in a food rut, especially if you’re
counting calories. So instead of eating yogurt and cherries as a snack every day, why not try oatmeal and
blueberries? Or string cheese and an apple? Buying a farm share or visiting a farmer’s market can be a good
way to try new vegetables. And if something looks unusual - pick it up! You can put the power of the
Internet to good use and find a recipe for anything in seconds flat. So try a purple pepper or a golden beet. A
vibrant rainbow on the plate means more and varied nutrients for the body.

Sara Tiner, BA, BS, MS, is the coordinator of scientific communication for a whole-food supplement
manufacturer in Wisconsin. With undergraduate degrees in biology and English from Ripon College, and a
master’s degree in journalism from Columbia University, she’s worked as a science writer in both print and
radio over the past decade, and moonlights as a freelance contributor to various publications.

This article was written by Sara Tiner.  Her bio and the original article can be found here

THANK YOU VERY MUCH for taking my headaches away.  I honestly don’t know what I would do without you.  I never expected to have such a huge change in posture & energy.  It’s a dream come true!  I can spend more quality time with my 2-year-old son.  Life is short, I feel very lucky to get a second chance.

Aimee S., Springville

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