Orem Chiropractor - R. Ned McArthur, D.C. Blog
Orem Chiropractor - R. Ned McArthur, D.C. specializes in providing lasting relief from Back Pain, Car Accident Injuries, Dizziness, Fibromyalgia, Headaches & Migraines, Insomnia, Neck Pain, Numbness, Restless Leg Syndrome and Sciatica. Learn more at http://www.AskDrNed.com Receive A Free Introductory Visit by calling 801-225-1311. Orem Chiropractor - R. Ned McArthur, D.C. is located at 560 S. State #C2 Orem, UT 84058
Friday, February 26, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Diet & Pain
The foods we eat are nothing more than fuel for our body. With that in mind, if you put bad fuel into your car how does it work? Not so well. If you put bad fuel into your body how does your body work? You get the idea.
There are more ideas on what constitues a healthy diet than I care to even think about. Because of that fact many people ask "what should I eat? What should I NOT eat? What supplements should I take?
What should you eat?
All fruits, vegetables, fish, poultry, meats (grass fed beef is best), eggs, organic dairy products, nuts (almonds are best), seeds, olive and coconut oils.
What Should you NOT Eat?
Sugar, flour, white rice, baked goods, pasta, caffeine, processed and/or packaged foods, artificial colors, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, alcohol, hydrogenated oils, and fast foods.
These foods must be avoided because they are either toxic (artificial sweeteners) or they produce inflammation. These foods are high in omega-6 fatty acids with little to no omega-3 fatty acids. An imbalance of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids produces inflammation. The ideal ratio omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids is a 1:1 ratio. (The average American has a 30:1 ratio). Therefore, eating these foods produces inflammation and perpetuates pain.
What Supplements Should you Take?
Essential Supplements Dosage
1. Multivitamin/Mineral Follow directions on bottle
2. Magnesium 6 mg per 2.2 lbs. of body weight
3. Fish Oil 1.5 grams of Omega-3 fats daily
4. Co Enzyme Q10 100 mg daily
5. Ginger 2 gram daily
Recommended Supplements
1. Vitamin D3 2000 IU daily or 30 minutes of sun exposure
2. Acetyl – L – Carnitine 1000 mg daily, in divided doses
3. Lipoic Acid 400 mg daily, in divided doses
A multivitamin provides the antioxidants and nutrients our bodies must have.
Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a role in thousands of bodily functions. Fish Oil and ginger are anti-inflammatory. Co Enzyme Q10 is involved in how we produce energy. Vitamin D stimulates the immune system. Acetyl L Carnitine and Lipoic Acid slow, or even reverse the aging process in our cells.
Smoking decreases your oxygen intake. Adequate oxygen is essential to healing. Without it your body cannot heal completely and your brain and nervous system can not function properly. If you suffer from chronic pain and you smoke, you NEED to quit.
How Will I Feel?
If you have had a poor diet up to this point, the first 3-7 days may be rough. Most toxins are fat-soluble. That means they get stored in our fat tissue. As you give your body the proper nutrients you will start eliminating excess fat. When you eliminate fat the stored toxins are released which may lead to fatigue, headaches, mood swings, nausea, and flu like symptoms. Give your body about a week and you will begin to have more energy, your memory will improve, thinking will be clearer and your overall outlook will brighten.
If you would like to find out exactly how your diet may be affecting your pain visit the official website of Orem Chiropractor R. Ned McArthur, D.C. or call 801-225-1311 to schedule a complimentary office visit.
Labels: orem back doctor, orem chiropractic, orem chiropractor, orem chiropractors, orem fibromyalgia doctor, orem headache doctor
Friday, February 19, 2010
Orem Chiropractor Identifies Cause Of Back Pain Headaches Fibromyalgia Dizziness Numbness Sciatica Insomnia
How can you identify brain lateralization in yourself?
Brain lateralization is a situation where one side of the brain has less function than the other side. Previously, I’ve given the analogy of the brain as a light on a dimmer switch. Meaning that brain lateralization is where one side of the brain gets turned down, like a light on a dimmer switch. The light is on, it’s just not sending out as much light as it could be. This is what happens in brain lateralization, one side of the brain gets turned down and isn’t sending out as many impulses as it could be.
We all understand that the brain controls every function in our body. Thus when the function of the brain is turned down all sorts of problems can arise.
It may be important to note that how brain lateralization is manifested can be significantly different from one person to the next – meaning that two people with the same exact malfunction can have distinctively different symptoms. The reason for this is that our brain and nervous system has about a 60% similarity from person to person - my brain and nervous system is 60% similar to yours. Of course that means that our brain & nervous system is about 40% different. So, when you and I have the same problem it will affect you different than it affects me, because we are literally wired different.
The reason I give all of this explanation is, I’m now going to describe several different tests for you to do on your own. If and when you notice a problem doing any of these tests all they will tell you is that you have a problem doing that test. Because we are all wired differently you may notice lots of problems as you do these tests and feel absolutely no symptoms at all. Or you may notice only minor problems doing these tests and experience lots of symptoms. Or you may be somewhere in between these extremes. A diagnosis is only made after combining ALL the facts.
The first test is Blood pressure. If you have some means of taking your blood pressure take it on both sides. If there is a difference in the right and left blood pressure you may have brain lateralization.
Finger to finger testing. Sit with your eyes closed and point one index finger at the floor and one at the ceiling. Bring the finger pointing at the floor up to touch the tip of the index finger pointing at the ceiling. A normal test is you are able to bring the tip of one to the tip of the other. If you find your self searching, if you slightly miss or overshoot or if you miss entirely you may have brain lateralization.
While in the sitting position, raise your hands above your head with your palms facing forward. Now quickly open and close your hands for thirty seconds. Does one hand fatigue quicker? Does it become more difficult to do on one side? Does one hand or forearm become painful? If so, you may have brain lateralization.
Now stand up. Put one foot in front of the other, it doesn’t matter which. Once in this position close your eyes. Do you sway to one side or wobble? If so, you may have brain lateralization.
For this next test you’ll need a partner. Lie on your back and have your partner slowly raise one leg, getting a sense for the tightness in that leg. Then have your partner raise the other leg. Is one leg notably tighter than the other? If so, you may have brain lateralization.
If you noticed any problem while doing these tests this tells you, you’ve got a brain malfunction – a short circuit if you will, in the electrical system of your body. The reason this is significant to you is that it has been found that brain and nerve malfunction is a factor in all disease and sickness.
If you would like more information on how I have a greater than 93% success rate in eliminating back & neck pain, dizziness, fibromyalgia, headaches & migraines, insomnia, numbness, restless leg syndrome, sciatica and car accident injuries go to www.AskDrNed.com. There you will find videos, articles and audio files.
You can also connect with me at facebook.com/askdrned & twitter.com/askdrned.
If you would like to schedule a no cost / no obligation introductory visit call my office at 801-225-1311.
# # #
Do you experience fibromyalgia, headaches & migraines,numbness, sciatica, neck & back pain, dizziness, insomnia, restless leg syndrome or been in a car accident?
Labels: back pain, headaches, orem chiropractor, provo chiropractor, sciatica
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Brain Lateralization and Pain, Dizziness & Insomnia
Orem Chiropractor Explains Brain Lateralization & How It Leads to Pain, Dizziness & Insomnia
How does Brain lateralization happen?
Before you read this entry please go back and read the first in this series, What is Brain Lateralization. The information in this release won’t have any meaning without first reading it.
Understanding how brain lateralization occurs also depends on an understanding that our brain and nervous system is a receptor driven system. Receptors are the nerve endings throughout our body that sense a given stimulus. For example, our taste buds are receptors. They sense sweet, salty and bitter. We have receptors in our skin that sense temperature. We have millions of these receptors throughout our body, each sensing a particular thing. They receptors then deliver their information through nerves, then into the spinal cord and finally up to the brain. The brain then processes all of this information and responds accordingly. So our brain is stimulated by and acts based on the information that it receives from the body.
There are three things that the brain needs to be healthy and to work correctly. It needs food, oxygen, and stimulation.
Brain lateralization occurs when the brain does not receive proper amounts of these three things.
Clinical experience has taught me that a lack of stimulation combined with insufficient oxygen and or nutrition is the typical cause.
If there are millions of receptors in the body, each all of them sending stimulation into the brain, how does a lack of stimulation occur? Unfortunately, quite easily. The three scenarios that this occurs are physical, chemical and mental stresses. When one of these stresses is big enough or goes on long enough it causes it decreases the inputs into the brain. Whichever side of the brain is more
susceptible is affected the most and you’ve got brain lateralization.
When one side of the brain starts working less it causes a disconnect in the part of the brain that inhibits pain, allows you to sleep and be balanced. Thus, brain lateralization can result in pain, dizziness and insomnia. As well as other chronic health conditions.
It is also important to note that the goal is not to do away with the stresses that cause brain lateralization. Even if such a thing were possible, we need the stresses. You just need to train your body to adapt to them more appropriately.
It’s like running 10 miles. For most of us running 10 miles would be a HUGE stress and would affect our bodies accordingly. But an Olympic marathoner can run those same 10 miles with little or no affect to their body. They could do it a lot faster than you or I as well. Why? Because their body is trained to handle that kind of stress.
Brain based therapy seeks to do the same thing, not by removing the stress from your life, but by improving they way your body responds.
Next time I’ll show you some tests you can do all on your own to see if you have brain lateralization.
If you would like more information on how I have a greater than 93% success rate in eliminating back & neck pain, dizziness, fibromyalgia, headaches & migraines, insomnia, numbness, restless leg syndrome, sciatica and car accident injuries go to www.AskDrNed.com. There you will find videos, articles and audio files on how I can help you end these conditions in your life.
You can also connect with me at facebook.com/askdrned & twitter.com/askdrned.
If you would like to schedule a no cost / no obligation introductory visit call my office at 801-225-1311.
# # #
Do you experience fibromyalgia, headaches & migraines,numbness, sciatica, neck & back pain, dizziness, insomnia, restless leg syndrome or been in a car accident?
Labels: dizziness, insomnia, orem chiropractor, pain, provo chiropractor