Friday, February 18, 2011

Orem Chiropractor Discusses Foods To Improve Your Love Life

Continuing to take inspiration from Valentines Day I came up with
a list of foods that very well may affect hormone levels, energy, brain chemistry and arousal.  I'll be the first to admit that there is little to no
research backing the claims of these foods, many people have reported the aphrodisiac affects of eating these foods.  

1.  Asparagus which is rich in vitamins B6 and B9 (pyridoxine and folate) both of which can boost arousal.  It also high in vitamin E which stimulates sex hormones in both men and women.

2.  Avocados are loaded with vitamin B6, minerals and monounsaturated fats both of which are vital for energy production and libido.  Avocados are also a great source of Omega -3 fats.

3.  Chili Peppers can spice up your love life due to capsaicin which has been shown to promote the release of endorphins in the brain.

4.  Chocolate  and love have long been associated, probably because of tryptophan which is a precursor to the feel good brain chemical serotonin which contributes to arousal.

5.  Licorice is thought to mimic the affects of estrogen and progesterone which are critical to sexual function in women.  It helps women get in the mood and stay that way longer.  It may even reduce the PMS symptoms as well.  For this to be effective though, if can't be any licorice flavored candy, it needs to be real licorice root extract.

6.  Oysters  are high in zinc which helps the body produce testosterone which is important to libido and sexual function in both men and women.  

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Monday, February 14, 2011

7 Reasons To Love Orem Chiropractor - R. Ned McArthur, D.C.

Inspired by Valentines Day, I came up with:

7 Reasons To
Orem Chiropractor - 
R. Ned McArthur, D.C.

7.  When I say "hands - on - care" I really mean it.  Human to human contact has been proven to be vital in the healing process.  With me you'll get (mostly) warm hands and a caring heart.

6.  I'm in tune with you and your health.  Have you ever noticed that many times I know something about your health and well being before you even mention it?  Maybe I'm the Harry Houdini of healthcare?

5.  D.C. stands for Doctor of Cause. Well, not really but as much as I'm interested in helping you relieve your symptoms, whether they be back pain, or headaches or car accident injuries, I'm more interested in helping you correct the cause of your symptom.

4.  One of the happiest people you'll ever meet.  What are some of the words you've heard me describe my day?  Amazing, awesome, fantastic, wonderful, outstanding.  Is it for some reason?  No.  I've just made the choice to be happy.  Want to be healthy & happy?  Associate with healthy & happy people.

3.  It's cost effective.  Research into cost effectiveness of chiropractic suggests that those you regularly use chiropractic can save as much as 12% in health care expenses over their lifetime.  For the average American that's almost $30,000.

2.  I acknowledge that we're a team.  I acknowledge the fact that you're doing all the healing.  I'm just showing you how to do it.  You're the real star here.

1.  I'll help you get the most out of life.  Referring to #5 above.  I'm very interested in helping you correct the cause of your problem, but even more that  I'm the most interested in helping you live the life you want to live.  What do you want to accomplish? I'll do what I can to help you achieve it.

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Orem Chiropractor Discusses Nutritional Approach To Inflammation & Pain Relief

Today I’m going to discuss the article “Omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil) as an anti-inflammatory: an alternative to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for discogenic [neck and back] pain.” Surg Neurol. 2006 Apr;65(4):326-31, Maroon JC, Bost, JWSurg Neurol. 2006 Apr;65(4):326-31, Maroon JC, Bost, JW

This research was done at the Uniersity of Pittsburgh Medical Center, in Pittsburgh, PA.

As your Orem Chiropractor I want to make the world a better place and the way that I can do that is by making your life better.

In this article you’ll find some information that will make your life better by reducing back pain, neck pain and headaches without the use of drugs or surgery.

NSAID or Non Sterodial Anti Inflammatory Drugs are a commonly used drug for neck pain & back pain. In most cases people are able to use these medications without incident. Unfortuantley, for some complications like gastric ulcers, bleeding, myocardial infarction, and even death occurs.

The authors report that “An alternative treatment with fewer side effects that also reduces the inflammatory response and thereby reduces pain is believed to be omega-3 EFAs found in fish oil.”

The researchers took 250 people who had been seen by a neurosurgeon and were found to have nonsurgical neck or back pain. These people were then asked to take 1200 mg per day of omega-3 EFAs (eicosapentaenoic acid and decosahexaenoic acid) found in fish oil supplements.

After 75 days on the fish oil 78% were taking 1200mg and 22% had increased their fish oil to 2400mg.

Now, here’s the cool stuff. 59% stopped taking their prescription NSAID’s for pain. 60% stated that their overall pain was improved and that their joint pain had improved. Eighty percent stated they were satisfied with their improvement, and 88% stated they would continue to take the fish oil.

There were no significant side effects reported.

To conclude researchers stated that “Our results mirror other controlled studies that compared ibuprofen and omega-3 EFAs demonstrating equivalent effect in reducing arthritic pain. omega-3 EFA fish oil supplements appear to be a safer alternative to NSAIDs for treatment of nonsurgical neck or back pain in this selective group.”

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Orem Chiropractor Helps You Achieve Wellness Part 2

In part two of Achieving Wellness let's first distinguish the difference between traditional medical care and the Wellness Lifestyle.

When ever I have this discussion, and I've had it many times, I have found it important to point out that I am NOT anti medicine.  I've had the need for medical care recently and it served me well.  Medicine saves lives everyday (everything from car accident injuries to infections) and the world is a better place because of the many fine physicians, who selflessly serve their patients.

The thing that I'm against is medicine being described as "healthcare" because in most instances medicine does not seek to make one healthier, it seeks to relieve suffering, kill an infection or stop a faulty process in the body.  Those aren't bad, they just aren't health - they're disease avoidance.

If there is a fault to the modern medicine paradigm it's that rarely (in my experience) does it ever address lifestyle issues that have caused or contributed to the problem.  As your Orem Chiropractor I believe that is one of my duties - point out outside influences and their potential affect on your health and well being.

Top 5 Truths about Wellness.  (Imagine these as a count down with a drum roll before each one for dramatic affect.)

5.  Symptoms, like back pain or headaches,  are not the problem - they are a sign that there is a problem.
4.  The body has an inborn ability to heal itself
3.  Stressors, whether they be physical, chemical or emotional, when they exceed our capacity limit our ability
     to heal and be healthy.
2.  Wellness focuses on improving function rather than hiding symptoms.
1.  Chiropractic is the foundation to a Wellness Lifestyle

Watch this short video from my chiropractor friend, Dr Andre Broussard, on maintenance or wellness chiropractic adjustments.

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Orem Chiropractor Helps You Achieve Wellness Part 1

Your Orem Chiropractor - R. Ned McArthur, D.C., along with other chiropractors, is a proponent of the wellness movement.  Wellness is defined as the pursuit of physical and mental well-being.

Good nutrition, exercise and routine chiropractic care are all parts of a wellness lifestyle.  Chiropractors have always been a proponent of this lifestyle because we understand that the body is a self healing.

The body is made up of muscles, organs and glands which are all controlled by the brain and nervous system.  Injury, stress and toxins all the the ability to interfere with the communication between nerves and muscles, organs and glands.  When there is bad communication between all of these proper function is lost.  A lack of proper function leads to health problems.  Given enough time symptoms begin to develop and eventually the disease process results.

When you begin to notice symptoms like back pain or headaches these are signs to let you know something is wrong.  To cover up these up with pain killers is like putting tape over your dashboard when the check engine light comes on.  The goal of these chemicals is NOT wellness, but a lack of symptoms.

Next time we'll continue our discussion of wellness and more specifically what are wellness practices and what are not.

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