Monday, December 13, 2010

Physical Problems Require Physical Solutions

I'm really on a roll with these reviews of my fellow chiropractors!  Next, is Bethel Park Chiropractor Dr Kevin Smith.
In his article Physical Problems Require Physical Solutions Dr Smith points out how millions of Americans suffer with a variety of aches  and pains that range from low back pain, tension in the shoulders, stiff neck, and headaches.  He further points out that many people address these physical problems with medications whether they be over the counter or prescription.  To some degree this is understandable because of the endless array of commercials one can be exposed to in a given day, all of which try to persuade to to take pills for physical problems.
If you think about it though, it doesn't make any sense.  When it comes to physical problems mediations don't fix a problem, they only mask symptoms.  Also, they can be quite expensive and each one has the risk of a variety of dangerous side affects.
Dr Smith gives a great analogy that may help you understand why physical problems require physical solutions and why medications simply are a poor option.  Let's say you're out for a walk and you got a small stone in your shoe.    How would it feel? It would hurt, right?  Well, what was causing the pain?  Even though it hurt every time you took it step it wasn't the walk.  Of course it was the rock pressing on and poking the nerves in the bottom of your foot.  Here's a tough one.  How would correct this problem?  Of course you would take your shoe off and get rid of the rock.  
When you have pain in your back – it is very often caused by a misaligned vertebrae (one of the 24 movable back bones which surround and protect your spinal cord).  When the vertebrae get misaligned, they can pinch and irritate the delicate surrounding nerves in the back.   This is EXACTLY the same type of thing that happens with the stone in your shoe.  You have a hard object pressing up against a soft object, thus causing distress.
Consider this:  If I had a pebble in my shoe and I told you I was taking medicine for it, would you think I was a bit out of my mind?  You probably would (and rightly so).  The same mechanism happens when a vertebrae gets misaligned – and yet people thinking nothing of taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), muscle relaxers and even narcotic strength medications to deal with the pain.   I have a question for you.  Are any of these drugs doing anything to realign the spine?
Physical problems require physical solutions.   A stone in a shoe is a physical problem.  So is back pain, neck pain, fibromyalgia, whiplash, headaches & migraines, etc..  The best approach to treating these issues is by focusing on alignment of the spinal vertebrae – to take the pressure off the nerves and allow everything to calm down, naturally.
Dr Smith's Bethel Park Chiropractic Clinic is located at
Red Apple Wellness
2409 South Park Rd
Bethel Park, PA 15102

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Hip Stability and Mobility: Can You Do This Exercise?

One of my most favorite chiropractors in the whole world is Sonoma Chiropractor 
Todd Lloyd.  Dr Lloyd is one my favorites because he is a chiropractor and a Utah native. He also adds a rare combination of intelligence and simplicity to the chiropractic profession.  What I mean by that is he has the ability to take a highly complex subject and boil it down to it’s most important points, making things so much more simpler than they were originally.

So with that in mind I share an article Dr Todd Lloyd produced on hip pain & stability.  As a Sonoma Chiropractor he sees a lot of people with hip complaints and as an
Orem Chiropractor I see a lot of this too. 

Dr Lloyd points out that in young people hip problems start as a problem in the deep hip muscles that results in postural imbalances.  When you lay down your feet should be straight.  If there is a tendency for them to go in our out there's a good chance you've got problems in the muscles of your hips. 

Here is a video put together by some chiropractic students on all the different tests for the hip.  Try doing some or all of these.  

If you notice problems while doing any of these tests you can be assured that you have some sort of hip malfunction.  

Months and years of malfunction in the hips leads to arthritis.  When arthritis sets in there is a loss of range of motion, pain, and difficulty walking.

Here is an easy hip exercise to do to help with your hip flexibility.  It's called hip windshield wipers.

Easy hip exercise

If you want a more difficult exercise that will help with hip flexibility and hip strength try this one.

It's important to note that having healthy hips is very important.  As any chiropractor or orthopedist will tell you the hips and pelvis form the foundation for not only the spine but also the entire skeletal system.  So, when there are problems in the hips secondary problems can develop throughout the body.

Dr Lloyd's Sonoma Chiropractic Clinic is found within the Sonoma Holistic Center.

Todd Lloyd, DC
525 3rd Street West, Suite C
Sonoma, CA 95476

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Low Vitamin D Levels May Increased Depression Risk

As I was reading the blog of San Mateo Chiropractor Dr Reza Abusaidi I came across an article entitled Low Vitamin D Levels May Increase Depression Risk.

As an Orem Chiropractor I know that depression medications are among the most frequently taken by those clients I work with.  I find that kind of ironic because my chiropractic practice is in area affectionately referred to as “happy valley.”  I wonder why so many people are taking these medications?  I’m not questioning the reality of depression or the problems and symptoms that accompany depression, I’m just wondering what has happened in our culture that has brought us to this point and what can be done about it.  With that in mind I found this article intriguing.

It was about four years ago that I started seeing a lot of Vitamin D research.  Since then vitamin D deficiency has been tied to many different conditions.  Vitamin D like other vitamins and minerals is used in a lot of different processes in the body.  When there is a deficiency all the processes that use that vitamin malfunction.  When malfunction goes on long enough it eventually becomes disease.

In his article Dr Abusaidi references a study that found depression is significantly increased in people with deficient level of vitamin D, when compared to people with adequate levels of the sunshine vitamin.

Vitamin D is referred to as the sunshine vitamin because our bodies can produce this with adequate sun exposure, all on their own.

Maybe this is why many experience the “blues” in the winter months – they don’t get enough sun exposure leading to mild depression symptoms?

In support of this idea researchers Bruce Ames and Joyce McCann point out that there is a wide distribution of vitamin D receptors throughout the brain.  They point out that this does not prove that vitamin D deficiency causes depression and that further research must be done to establish a definitive link between depression and vitamin D.

Data from the third US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey indicated that people with vitamin D deficiency were at an 85 percent increased risk of having depressive episodes, compared with people with sufficient levels. These findings are published in the International Archives of Medicine.

If you are looking for a San Mateo Chiropractic Clinic may I recommend Dr Abusaidi.  

Reza Abusaidi, D.C.
16 41st Ave.
San Mateo, CA 94403

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Conservative Treatment Options?

As I continue my review of other chiropractors and their blogs, I came across Livonia Chiropractor Kevin Venerus, D.C.  In his article Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Conservative Treatment Options? he reviews common presentations, causes and treatment for the non-surgical management of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS).

Dr Venerus points out that most CTS sufferers present with a complaint of pain and or numbness/tingling in the palm side of the hand.  

Dr Venerus states that the cause of CTS is most often a history of prolonged wrist use in full flexion or extension.  Other, less frequent causes can be cysts, fractures, dislocations, fluid retention, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and connective tissue disorders.

Here is where I will interject.  Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is defined as pressure on the median nerve.  The median nerve is the nerve that goes through the wrist into the hand.  

Place your hand so your palm is up.  In this position the bones of the wrist form a flat bowl like shape - this is the bottom part of the tunnel.  A ligament goes across the top from left to right across this bowl.  This is the top of the tunnel.  Nerves, blood vessels and tendons go through this tunnel into the hand and fingers.

In my experience most cases of wrist and hand pain are NOT CTS.  How do I come to that conclusion?  Because there is no pressure on the nerve.  How do I know that?  Direct pressure on any nerve will limit the impulses in that nerve.  If nerve impulses are decreased the muscles that the nerve goes to will ATROPHY.  Atrophy is a withering of muscle.  So if you really have CTS the muscles in your palm, especially those below the thumb will be smaller and weaker.  If that's the case with you - there's a good chance you really do have CTS.

Another thing Dr Venerus does not point out is that the carpal tunnel is only one of four places where this nerve can be impinged.  The others are the forearm, shoulder and neck.

Here's a video that shows a simple test for CTS.

As for treatment in his Livonia Chiropractic clinic, Dr Venerus suggests B Complex vitamins, ultrasound, and adjustments.  He also points out a patient satisfaction study that appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association.  In this study they found that almost 1/3 rated their satisfaction as "poor."  

Kevin Venerus, D.C.
10988 MIddlebelt Rd
Livonia, MI 48150

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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Are Headaches & Migraines Controlling Your Life?

that also addressed headaches & migraines.

Dr Brokstein points out that many people with miserable headaches & migraines go
through many different diagnosis procedures like doctor's visits, MRI's & CT scans
only to be told they are “normal”.

I will interject that this scenario happens way too often and introduces one of the
basic tenets of chiropractic.  Chiropractic looks at things from a functional
standpoint.  Meaning the person who has migraine headaches and has normal
blood tests, MRI's & CT's has a problem.  It's just not so obvious.  Think of it
like a light bulb on a dimmer switch.  If you look at the light bulb, check it's
filament, etc. it will be perfectly normal.  But it's not shining as brightly as it
should.  Why?  Because the dimmer switch has been turned down.

That's what happens to a lot of headache sufferers when all of their parts are
examined they look normal, but stress, lifestyle, and diet have turned down
the dimmer switch on their bodily functions resulting in headaches.

In his Freehold Chiropractic clinic Dr Brokstein uses only proven therapies.
In this article Dr Brokstein references several medical studies comparing
chiropractic care to different medical treatments.  They all have shown
that chiropractic care gets as good or better results without the risks of

Another thing worth interjecting here is that chiropractic from a satisfaction perspective has out performed all other types of care.  That means that when a person goes to a chiropractor they are much more pleased with their chiropractic care than they are with medical or other types of care.  So let’s think about that – chiropractic get just as good or better results, people are much more satisfied with their chiropractic care.  Oh yeah, one more thing, seeing your chiropractor will save you money now and in the future.

One more thing he points out that I feel is worthy of repeating:  headaches are
not normal.  So many times people comment to me that all their experiencing
is their 'normal headache.'  If you're ready to end your headaches, give
chiropractic a try.

If you're interested here's Dr Brokstein's info:

Russell Brokstein, D.C.
Hometown Family Wellness Center
9 Broadway Freehold, New Jersey

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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Chiropractic Can Treat Tension Headaches

Over the next week I’m going to make it a point to read what my fellow chiropractors around the country are writing about in their blogs.  While doing that and I came across an article from an Omaha Chiropractor Dr Tyler Baker that I feel would be appropriate to share with all of you.

From my education, personal research, and clinical experience I know chiropractic should be a part of any headache treatment protocol - so if you experience headaches call your chiropractor.  Why is that?  Because there are really only two causes of headaches:  problems in the neck and malfunction in the blood vessels of the brain. 

The neck can cause headaches because the nerves that come from the neck travel in the same nerve pathway as the nerves from the head and face.  So when there is malfunction in the neck and brain doesn’t know where the signals are coming from – the head or the neck so you get this non-specific, but sometimes specific pain in the head. 

The blood vessels in the brain have a nerve web that surrounds them, so when they dilate, it stretches or irritates this nerve web causing a headache.  Now it’s important to also note that there is a part of the brain that controls these blood vessels, it’s called the mesencephalon.  When the nerves of the mesencephalon malfunction it causes these blood vessels to spasm where they dilate and constrict (open and close) rapidly and repeatedly.  Therefore, irritating the nerve web and causing headache.

Dr Baker points out that tension headaches account for 90% of all headaches.  Tension headaches are identified by, believe it or not, the feeling of tension around the forehead or back of the neck.  The muscles around the neck go into spasm or become tight when the nerves of the neck are being irritated. 

If you've got nausea, visual disturbances, ringing in your ears or similar conditions that is more like a migraine headache which results from the blood vessels in the brain malfunctioning. 

Dr Baker points out that his Omaha Chiropractic office focuses on addressing the neck muscles and joints, which are the cause of tension headaches, to bring relief to those who suffer with headaches.

If you're interested here's Dr Baker's info:

Tyler Baker, D.C
Active Motion Chiropractic
13027 Arbor Street
(402) 334-2244

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Orem Chiropractor - Forward Head Posture = Headaches, Neck & Back Pain

As your Orem Chiropractor, here’s a fun little experiment to try.  Get something that weighs about 10 pounds and you can easily hold in your hand – like a 10-pound weight. 

We’re using a 10-pound weight because that’s the average weight of the adult head.  Now hold that weight with your fist towards the ceiling.  Now bend your wrist backwards.  (Don’t do this experiment if you have hand or wrist problems)  With your wrist bent back you are mimicking the natural curve of your neck.  Get a sense for what the feels like. 

Now take the curve away by holding your arm and wrist perfectly vertical.  Get a sense of how that feels.  Now slowly move your hand forward and elbow backwards.  How does that feel compared to when you were holding the weight with your wrist bent backwards?  Not very good, I’m sure. 

According to Dr. Kapandji in his book Physiology of the Joint, Volume III, for every inch your head moves forwards, it add 10 pounds of stress and tension to the muscle of your neck and upper back. 

Now back to our experiment.  The weight represents your head and your forearm represents your spine.  After doing our little experiment with the weight I’m sure you can understand how much harder the muscles in your neck and upper back have to work when your head is in this abnormal posture. 

This condition is called “Forward Head Posture.”  People with this condition lose the normal curve of their neck and the head moves out in front of the neck and shoulders.

Another consequence is the suboccipital muscles (muscles just below your skull in the back of your head) become extremely tight, which puts pressure on the three suboccipital nerves.  This can result in headaches felt in the base of the skull and in the sinus area in the front of your head.

Rene Cailliet M.D., famous medical author and former director of the department of physical medicine and rehabilitation at the University of Southern California states:

Head in forward posture can add up to thirty pounds of abnormal leverage on the cervical spine. This can pull the entire spine out of alignment. Forward head posture (FHP) may result in the loss of 30% of vital lung capacity. These breath-related effects are primarily due to the loss of the cervical lordosis, which blocks the action of the hyoid muscles, especially the inferior hyoid responsible for helping lift the first rib during inhalation.”

As an Orem Chiropractor, it's not uncommon to observe 2" of anterior head placement.  Would you be surprised that your neck and shoulders hurt if you had a 20-pound watermelon hanging around your neck?  

Forward head posture is also known as hyperkyphotic posture and can also lead to an upper thoracic hump.  Those with forward head posture (FHP) have also been shown to have a 1.44 greater rate of mortality.

After visiting with Dr McArthur I soon discovered that these headaches I was having, from the time I woke up to the time I went to bed, could be solved with chiropractic care.  I really enjoyed how the doctor sat and listened to me and really wanted to help me. He told the truth.  I had been having these headaches for months and was always taking pills.  Since beginning my care I am so much more alert, I have more energy, I’m not taking a lot of pills and I don’t snap at anyone anymore either because I am not in the constant pain that I use to be in.  I would recommend Dr McArthur to others because he has helped me so much and I really feel better.  Others deserve that.  I also enjoy all of the energy that Dr McArthur and the office staff has.  They are always happy and eager to help you, definitely great customer service.  Karyn H., Orem

Orem Chiropractor – R. Ned McArthur, D.C. has proven track record in bringing relief and correction to those who experience forward head posture.

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